Shot Clock is a Podcast created in 2020 in Thessaloniki and its object is the commentary and analysis of the top basketball league in the world, the NBA. Through online shows, which are also heard on demand mainly through Spotify, the Shot Clock team comments on basketball news and offers a unique perspective to its listeners, as it is not limited to the purely competitive part of the sport but also extends the discussion to cultural and political issues.
Through the design of the visual identity we tried to highlight elements of the American street culture: Clean and dynamic forms, typographic elements that refer to American college sports and the shot clock, the clock that counts down in order to complete an attack. The intense color contrasts and the orange elements depict the intensity of the game but also one of its dominant elements, the orange ball and / or the intense color of the digits of the clock.
The shape of the logo is also inspired by the shot clock and the characteristic indication of time on its screen. We created a short version (SH:CL), which can be easily adapted as a cover even in very limited resolutions.